Course Options
Our AI and Common Core-based Math and English tutoring program is for students in grades 2-12. Coding classes are for Kids & Teens. Chinese Mandarin, art, and chess classes are for all levels and ages.
More classes are coming!

AI Math
Afficient Academy offers self-paced, computerized AI and Common Core based Math and English programs that help students learn efficiently!

AI English
Afficient Academy offers self-paced, computerized AI and Common Core based Math and English programs that help students learn efficiently!

Logisool Coding
Digital literacy is the knowledge of tomorrow and children should start discovering it early on. Learning coding is fun with our own unique teaching method and fully gamified modular curriculum.

New East West Academy art class has professional art teachers, suitable for all ages of curriculum, from feeling graffiti to work creation, let happiness start from painting.

K-12 Non-Chinese Heritage Students
Through simple and practical, relaxed and lively, happy and interesting learning forms, students can learn complete series of courses, have the ability to listen, speak, read and write in Chinese

K-12 Chinese Heritage Students
By learning the complete set of teaching materials step by step, students will have the basic ability to listen, speak, read, and write in Chinese.

Pre-K Chinese
An immersive, interactive, and fun language learning environment combine Chinese, storytelling, math, singing, music, body movement, arts, crafts, social activities...

AP Chinese
If you’re planning to take the AP Chinese Language and Culture exam, whether you have taken the AP class, are a native-speaker, or have self-studied, read on for a breakdown of the test and advice on how to best prepare for it.

The New East West Academy Chess Class is a comprehensive program designed for players of all skill levels. We have a class for beginners, where we start with the basics...

Public Speaking
We offer comprehensive courses in writing, speech, and debate for junior high school students, senior high school students, and adults.